Just when the vaccine passport is coming the state run media says that vaccination may continue until 2023. Meaning they will likely force the vaccinations. And btw self defence is illegal in Finland, you can't even use pepper spray to defend yourself.
#covid1984 #covidtyranny #fakepandemic #vaccinepassport
No, they won't physically force you. They will use "soft force" to give it the "air" of being voluntary like just taking away your job, and perhaps even more draconian, couple vaccination to receiving government money and benefits.
So if your life situation allows it, move to a different country.
If not, perhaps take a few online courses in IT so that you can work remotely and you should be fine.
Here in the baltics, basically the unvaccinated like myself, have to rely (...)
@oliphaunt on getting everything delivered. Not possible to go to any stores unless I want to take an antigen test every 48 hours or so.
I'm lucky because I can "run away" to sweden and I can work 100% remotely, but I am very sad for the people who are not able to do that. =(
Longer term, I am certain that some US states might be a good option. They seem to forbid discrimination against non vaccinated people. But it could also just be political marketing. In europe, apart from sweden, (...)
@oliphaunt I don't know which countries are more liberal when it comes to your rights to your own body.