Growing Onions and Leeks in the City
This genus of plant can be divided into bulbing and non-bulbing types, with onions and shallots the bulb type and leeks and Welsh onions not producing bulbs…
Vintage Botanical Prints – 41 in a series – Ceanothus collina (Mountain ceanothus) from The Floral Cabinet and Magazine of Exotic Botany (1837)
Interested in gardening but have no access to land? Want to grow your own food but aren't sure where to start? Passionate about food security? Come out on April 13 for a volunteer meetup at ComeUnity Roots Garden and see what we're all about!
(and hopefully the snow will be gone by then so you can actually see the garden)
#CommunityGarden #DTK #Kitchener #IronHorseTrail #gardening #garden #foodSovereignty #FoodSecurity #FoodInsecurity #volunteer @WaterlooEvents @waterlooregion
SNAP and fresh plants and seeds
If you are on SNAP food stamps, just a reminder, you can use your SNAP benefits to buy plants and seeds to grow produce at any place that accepts SNAP and sells plants or seeds for produce, even fruit bearing trees.
Whether it is tomato plants in a pot, herbs in the windowsill, lettuce in containers, green beans from a hanging basket or a small to large garden plot, you can make your benefits go farther. Don't forget berries. Don't discount a few things on the patio. A wonderful hobby and distraction, also. No experience really needed
Items include:
• Seeds for producing edible plants and edible plants (e.g. , tomatoes and green pepper seeds or plants, and fruit trees);
• Edible food producing roots, bushes, and bulbs (e.g., asparagus crowns and onion bulbs); and
• Seeds and plants used to produce spices for use in cooking
For every $1 dollar spent on seeds and fertilizer, home gardeners can grow an average of $25 worth of produce. Growing food from seeds and plants makes SNAP benefits last longer, allowing recipients to double the value of their benefits over time.
#Garden #Gardening #SNAP #FoodStamps
The #Creation_Story for #Kids - #Genesis 1 & 2 | #Bible_Video for #Kids |
This Sharefaith Kids Sunday School lesson video brings to life the amazing biblical account of Genesis 1&2. #SundaySchoolLesson #SundaySchool
Your children are going to love seeing the #seven_days of #creation, the #garden of #eden and #Adam & #Eve like never before! Featuring award-winning artwork and powerful storytelling this Kids Bible Video is perfect for #Sunday_School, #Bible_study, #homeschool, #VBS and more.
You'll love teaching these Sunday School stories that promote #Christianity. Music purchase and sound effects purchased and licensed from and
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Vintage Botanical Prints – 38 in a series – Nympheacea from Illustrations of the natural orders of plants (1868)
Highlights from centuries of botanical prints
Prints and more available at
$129 Gorilla Carts Heavy Duty Poly Dump Cart w/Steel Frame (6-Cubic Ft, 1200lb max load, Black) at Walmart
#deal #delete #garden #gardening @halfpint @marykateultra @MummaBear @spencer
I send thanks to the buyer from Canada who purchased a canvas print of
Purple Iris --
Spring is on its way! May the artwork take you to a glorious day in late spring, when the flowers are blooming and the birds are singing. And may it take you there any time of the year.
(Gartengrün, streitende Vögel, kaum Platz, den Fuß zu setzen zwischen Krokusse und Schneeglöckchen. Ein milder Wind eine Maus im Dickicht, Holzbienen auf Erkundungsflug und der Stadtverkehr ist fern.)
Auch wenn es keinen richtigen Winter gab, ist es immer wieder ein schöner Anblick, wenn Bienen am Krokus endlich wieder Nektar und Pollen sammeln
Don't you think that the flowers of pansies often look like friendly, smiling faces...?
Orange pansies handmade acrylic painting -->
Sunflower trio - handmade watercolor and ink
Have a great day!
A little throwback for some flowers on Friday, have a good one!
Available here...