I find the way most people get music these days to be atrocious. Using YouTube videos, cracked versions of apps, and doing anything to get around paying for it. I have Premium as a discovery service, and then I buy tracks I want and compile them into m3u playlists by hand. Doing this allows me to get FLACs and WAVs, uncompressed, which are higher quality than streaming. The bass hits so much harder when you own the uncompressed track and a Subsonic-style streaming server.
@HopperMCS I torrent all my music. On the other hand, I'm not a big fan of music, so to be honest, if I had no music at all, the radio would be more than enough for me, coupled with the occasional classical concert.
@h4890 Yeah, I get that, I have a MASSIVE collection because I'm merging two giant libraries I've accumulated over time.