YOU -- Yes, you.
You are not a temporarily embarrassed, oppressed, not yet realized, millionaire, billionaire, or future, trillionaire either.
You're a regular individual who has better chances of being struck by lighting, than waking up rich through hard work and determination. It is time you grew up, and accept that.
#EatTheRich #Wealth #WealthTax #Healthcare
In #Australia, we had a #Robodebt scandal, where the super-conservative government of Scott Morrison (/spit) enacted a program of clawing back the "overpayments" of Welfare to #socialSecurity recipients.
To add insult to injury, the "overpayments" targeted people who tried to eek out a living with casual work...
...the consequences was up to 4000 recipients committed suicide as a consequence.
The (millionaire) minister responsible was told the algorithm was incorrect on at least 3 occasions... human was ever found responsible for this abuse.
I am willing to bet, this social security cut will result in rTump and Moskovitz literally killing people...
...but what do you expect from "...the undesirables ought to be converted into biodiesel"
Cruelty is the point.
the weekly hours a single person receiving benefits must work at minimum wage to escape poverty.
Hey, I've got a question: What would happen if a concerted organized effort succeeded in destroying all the stock markets in the world at the same time?
Just asking.
Guillotina "EMPÁTICA"
"Siempre bromeo... si el resto del mundo supiera COMO VIVIMOS... sacarían la GUILLOTINA"
( #eattherich yates de supericos )
Dutton is the billionaires’ muppet #auspol #Australia #politics #AusVotes25 #TaxTheRich #ClassWar #EatTheRich #NeverDutton
This is what Resistance looks like today. If the Oligarchs are taking over the World you go for their property, they value that more than human life anyway...
My lasercut guillotine earring file went viral in 2020. Been my bestseller since. But the escalating uptick in sales lately is giving eat the rich vibes I need
Should you need it's a couple bucks and cricut compatable:
@DeutscherWetterdienst Reichen Menschen mit Bürgerkriegsfantasien gefällt das!
I was casually scrolling through @ZuckJet (Zuckerberg’s private jet’s flights) and of course I got mad for the absurd amount of pollution one asshole can generate, but then I started asking myself: “what’s this place in Bozeman, Montana he flies to so frequently?”
I looked it up, and the answer I got is even more infuriating.
How could we, as humanity, allow places like this to exist and be accepted as normal?
#SkiResort #Zuckerberg #privateJet #flights #YellowstoneClub #resort #eatTheRich #taxTheRich #fuckMeta #eatBillionaries #fuckBillionaries
Yes, the party of "small government" intends to micromanage every minute of your life to make sure you adhere to *their* vision of what our lives should be, regardless of how stupid, unhistorical, dangerous, unscientific, damaging, and inauthentic it may be.
I don't agree with all his points, but it's worth reading for yourself.
#Local #Relocalism #coup #sustainability #Economy #USPol #Business #fascist @RobberBarons #EatTheRich
Do you know about ROBIN HOOD ARMY!?
It's an organization that accepts no money and feeds the poor people through, fit to eat leftover food and also other resources.
Working in 13 countries currently.
#India #Pakistan #Malaysia #Nepal #Srilanka
#Nigeria #Uganda #Zambia #Bahrain #Bangladesh #Botswana #Indonesia #Guinea
• No funds
• Apolitical
• Non-Religious
Boost to spread this movement!
#MutualAid #robinhoodarmy #apolitical #anarchist
#atheist #atheism #nofunds #zerofunds #volunteer #volunteering #Community #abolishmoney #feedthepoor #foodwastage #climatechange #Freeeconomy #resourcebasedeconomy #rbe #ubi #gifteconomy #openaccesseconomy #freeworld #eattherich #tradelesssociety #moneylesssociety #humanity
Make #RobinHood great again!
PAR DE CRACKS #ciencia
#Europa "quemó" sus recursos décadas y siglos pasados... sin una MONEDA FUERTE de reserva /en riesgo por retener capital ruso/: game over.
¿Electrificación de la #economía?
¿Cuanta energía de la que se consume se produce #España ? el 20%
El aprovechamiento energético final del #hidrógeno en motores -si fuera sustituto de la "sangre de la economía" que es el DIÉSEL QUE MUEVE LA MAQUINARIA es un ridículo
aprovechamiento del 25%
¿Estallará la burbuja eólica-fotovoltaica ?
Se gastan 7 calorías en maquinaria (DIÉSEL) abonos (AMONIACO) etc. por cada caloría producida de alimentos.
( #Socialismo o barbarie )
We need to dramatically redefine what success and wealth looks like. It's not hoarding so much cash you could never spend it in 1000 years. It's not having the biggest or most glitzy anything.
It really isn't.