7 new pages of Elizabeth the Compunctious are up! The end of Chapter 15 
Chapter 16 is planned to launch in April. Over the next few weeks we'll be working on some past due stuff between the chapters. Stay tuned!
Elizabeth the Compunctious is illustrated by @seasan and written by @InvincibleSugar
#comic #magic #drama #sliceoflife #art #webcomic #cute #bowling #fun #fear #trouble #backpack #house #Elizabeth #Barimé #Jack #Jessica #Amelia
Chapter 16 is planned to launch in April. Over the next few weeks we'll be working on some past due stuff between the chapters. Stay tuned!
Elizabeth the Compunctious is illustrated by @seasan and written by @InvincibleSugar
#comic #magic #drama #sliceoflife #art #webcomic #cute #bowling #fun #fear #trouble #backpack #house #Elizabeth #Barimé #Jack #Jessica #Amelia