#Louisiana To End Mass #Vaccine Promotion, Surgeon General Announces
https://www.europesays.com/1832110/ Buncombe County health warns of rising flu and COVID-19 cases, urges preventive steps #america #BuncombeCounty #Covid19 #deaths #Entertainment #flu #health #HealthDepartment #NCDHHS #RespiratoryViruses #sports #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USA #Vaccine
Elon Musk’s Assault on the Government Has Canceled a Human Trial for a Promising HIV Vaccine
Also missing are guidelines on #contraception & the diagnosis and prevention of #HIV & sexually transmitted infections, as well as #vaccine info sheets that doctors typically give to patients receiving the shots.
On Sat night, 9 members of a congressionally chartered cmte of #medical experts, the advisory cmte to the #CDC director, wrote a joint letter pressing the agency’s acting dir, Susan Monarez, to explain by Fri why the CDC had stripped its website of the info & to meet w/them asap.
Dr. Zachary Rubin is a pediatric allergist/clinical immunologist. Here he explains what are the consequences of the Center for Disease Control removing vaccine information sheets from its website, and what Americans can do to keep themselves and families safe.
https://www.europesays.com/1814173/ Self-perception of risk for HIV acquisition among people in prisons in Iran: A nationwide survey in 2017 | BMC Public Health #Biostatistics #Conflicts #DrugUse #EnvironmentalHealth #Epidemiology #general #hiv #incarceration #Iran #Medicine/PublicHealth #prisons #PublicHealth #UnprotectedSex #Vaccine
WATCH: Sen. Bernie Sanders questions RFK Jr. in confirmation hearing
Jan 29, 2025
I'm on a tear about the HPV vaccine this morning -- just finding out HPV also causes throat cancers, and of course it follows that it probably causes rectal cancers too??? since it's a STD...
Get yourself vaxxed!!
Sen #ElizabethWarren, Democrat of Massachusetts gets #RFKJr to say he will not take money from the drug industry. He pledges not to. Then she turned to his affiliation with a law firm that is suing Merck over its human papillomavirus #HPV #vaccine. Kennedy has said he is entitled to a 10% fee from that ongoing lawsuit; on his financial disclosure forms he said he would continue to receive those fees as secretary. [see #GiftArticle earlier in
Sen #SheldonWhitehouse, whose state recently had a #measles outbreak, asked #RFKJr to “never say #vaccines aren’t medically safe when they in fact are,” & to make it “indisputably clear” that he supports childhood #vaccine mandates. RFKJr now says he is for vaccines but against mandates, but #PublicHealth experts say mandatory #vaccination is crucial to prevent outbreaks.
Btw if you want to get the HPV #vaccine as a sexually active adult, all you have to do is ask for it. HPV becomes cervical #cancer and kills #women, but isn't even on the list of things that #men can get tested for in clinics, altho they can have an infectious wart and not be aware of it. I know bc I had to have one burned off of my cervix and spent years paranoid. Now I'm vaxxed.
PS as of 7 yrs ago girls get offered the vax but not boys, I had to insist for my sons.
#RFKJr sought to pre-empt criticism of his #vaccine views, insisting he is not #AntiVaccine. An extensive review of Kennedy’s public comments by The Washington Post found he repeatedly disparaged #vaccines & falsely linked them to autism. He founded Children’s Health Defense, an anti-vaccine group.
…Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, said #RFKJr’s finances showed “outrageous conflicts of interest that endanger #PublicHealth.”
“This disclosure shows that RFK Jr. made millions off of peddling dangerous #AntiVaccine #conspiracies,” she said in a statement. “Even worse, if he is confirmed, his finances will still be tied to the outcomes of anti-#vaccine lawsuits — even as he’d be tasked with regulating them as #health secretary.”
The arrangement w/Wisner Baum, which also includes other matters, has earned #RFKJr, one of the nation’s fiercest #vaccine critics, >$2.5M in the past 2 years, acc/to records filed w/federal election ofcls for his presidential run & the agreement, approved by the Office of Govt #Ethics as part of the confirmation process. That sum is far higher than about $200,000, the latest salary figure for the #Health & Human Services secretary….
The #ethics doc said #RFKJr would continue to collect fees for cases in which he referred clients to Wisner Baum, a law firm suing Merck over Gardasil, a #vaccine that protects against the human papillomavirus, or #HPV. The vaccine is administered to adolescents to prevent cervical & other #cancers later in life.