Activated US-10658 Lake Carl Blackwell two days after #OKWildfires started last Friday March 14th with hurricane force winds. Parts of the park were still smoldering. #POTA #WWFF #CW #MorseCode #FLOOP3 #FieldRadio #AmateurRadio with abt 3 watts.
Activated US-10658 Lake Carl Blackwell two days after #OKWildfires started last Friday March 14th with hurricane force winds. Parts of the park were still smoldering. #POTA #WWFF #CW #MorseCode #FLOOP3 #FieldRadio #AmateurRadio with abt 3 watts.
PI Day #QRP CW #MorseCode #POTA #parksontheair activation with @qrplabs #QCXmini #putikeegmini #Straightkey One leg of @Tuftelndotnet #tufteln 40/20 Linked #EFHW. Don't be befuddled by current #spaceweather. In the U.S it is time to be more concerned about #severeweather "Tis The Season" #AmateurRadio #HamRadio
I'm amazed that under the right conditions I can use this miniscule equipment setup to communicate to the other side of the world. #AmateurRado #HamRadio #POTA #parksontheair CW #MorseCode is SO AWESOME!
These ingredients produced a great #FT8 / CW #MorseCode #pota #Parksontheair meal on 40/20 meters. This activation was WELL DONE! @qrplabs #QDX #QCX #PutikeegMiniStraightkey #PutikeegKey #HamRadio
Today's ingredients for a #POTA #parksontheair #FT4 #FT8 CW #MorseCode recipe. Looks like the oven might be overheating a little. Doesn't matter. We'll finish with a yummy and tasty morning activation. #AmateurRadio #Hamradio @qrplabs #QDX #QCX @panasonic #Toughpad
It was a Gomer Pyle #POTA #parksontheair CW #MorseCode #QRPp less than 1 watt activation. "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!" In spite of horrid 40m band conditions that Mission Accomplished. Failure WAS NOT an option. #AmateurRadio #HamRadio is always AMAZING!
Mr. Phelps, I have accepted today's "Mission Possible" #QRPp #pota #parksontheair CW #MorseCode activation assignment. "Failure Is Not An Options" #AmateurRadio #HamRadio
Mother Nature is teasing us with this beautiful but a Friday severe WX threat. @Youkits #HB-1B, @Sportys #Kneeboard with #americanmorseequipment #portapaddle continue to get a workout during #AmateurRadio #hamRado #pota #parksontheair CW #morseCode activations this week.
Perfect Wx for a #AmateurRadio #HamRadio #POTA #parksontheair CW #morsecode activation. 30 contacts on 40,30,20,17, 15 meters with @Youkits #HB1B into #EFHW no tuner using #CWmouse Paddle. Awesome Little Rig attached to #sportyspilot #Kneeboard
Pulled out my @qrplabs #QCXmini 20 Meter for a chilly FriYay afternoon #AmateurRadio #HamRadio CW #MorseCode #poat #parksontheair activation. Lots of QSB but work the U.S. Coast-to-Coast, Border-to-Border with my #tuftlen 40/20 Linked #EFHW and rocking my #CWMouse Paddle by @saahbs
Also, for all those #MorseCode kids working up the nerve to get on the #AmatuerRadio bands with the CW Mode, @profoundlynerdy and i had a conversation that I think would be helpful for anyone learning morse code:
#Geomagnetic_Activity_Forecast #geomagnetic_storm_warning #g5geomagneticstorm expected
Because of this, today I'll be using this setup for a #POTA #parksontheair #AmateurRadio #HamRadio #MorseCode CW activation. I'll get more at bats with the #FT817 #z817 80 -10 meters #QRP #QRPRadio