@DotardTed @amerika
I think in this case they use term "Sovok", which means soviet-like. Vatnik/Vata (plural) is too offensive to address parents
I'v tried google with 2 requests (in russian), first is "vatnik parents" and second is "sovok parents". In first case results were from Ukrainian websites ( ), mostly local news, in second they were from russia and mostly psychology articles about dealing with parents
So looks like in could be used as "boomers", but not in russia))
@DotardTed @amerika
If take a look at wiki definition it says
> used to disparage someone as a blindly patriotic and unintelligent jingoist
and it actually means "a retard" ) I don't think term "boomers" implies stupidity as a primary feature
@DotardTed @amerika
You also may noticed that term "Vatnik" was created by Muscovite, but in Cyrillic form it is used mostly by Ukrainians) Generally all the most precise and ironic #russophobia is produced by Muscovite. But as far as they are focused on dominating the world with their Greatness, they prefer to keep it for themselves for special occasion. Same time it spreads to russian colonies and ex-colonies, where people take it seriously and integrate it to local culture.
@DotardTed @amerika
And because of recent events, Ukrainians were allowed to speak, and they exported all the best of russophobia to a world meme scene