The Zionists.
Yeah. But we kind of know who they are now.
Who controls our banks?
Who control our media?
Who dominate big food?
Who dominate big pharma?
Who are big producers of porn?
Who invented communism?
Who invented feminism?
Who is it that constantly talk bad about the white man? Who is behind mass immigration and who is trying to exterminate the white man and woman and our culture, our language, our memory?
I used to think that it was a coincidence.
And then I actually woke up.
It's like the Matrix film - just a big cage for the minds of the masses. When you realize lies, then you just have to unshackle yourself - meaning, you have to ditch fiat - slave coin, and use sound money instead.
Both sides create the porn. Both sides control the banks. Both sides control big foods, and big pharma. Clarify.
It's never good to just "fire blindly".
Always blaming both sides is the definition of firing blindly.
Never presume to know what anyone is thinking, and answer the fucking question, clarify.
If you cannot, then you never "woke up" and you are just a leftist playing dress-up.
U having a stroke?
Clarify is not a question it's a demand.
U claim that "both sides control"?
I only know one side.
U could clarify what both sides
Because I don't know what U are thinking.
U call me a leftie and then U make the following remark.
"Never presume to know what anyone is thinking"
Right after U presumed that I am a leftie. This is some cognitive dissonance
I intentionally framed it as a question. If U know U know. If U don't U might think about it